New Media Art, Design, and the Arduino Microcontroller: A Malleable Tool

Alicia M. Gibb


  1.  Acknowledgements
  1. 1Introduction
  2. 2Arduino influences Art
    1. 1History of the Arduino
      1. 1Cost
      2. 2Accessing the Arduino
      3. 3Supportive Community
    2. 2Benefits of the Arduino in artistic process
    3. 3Arduino in the Mainstream
    4. 4Arduino in Museums
  3. 3Method and Participants
    1. 1Research Questions
    2. 2Participants
    3. 3Questions & Format
  4. 4Results
    1. 1What is the response to the Arduino microcontroller among artists and designers?
      1. 1Open Source
      2. 2Roles & Relationships
    2. 2How has art and design been a catalyst to modifications on the Aduino's hardware?
      1. 1Form and Function
      2. 2LilyPad Xbee
      3. 3Arduino StandAlone
      4. 4Arduino Mini
    3. 3How does the Ardiuno shape creative practice in art?
  5. 5Conclusions
  1.  List of Illustrations
  2.  Bibliography