3-2 Print this file, fill out the form, and return it to us.
3-3 Go on. Click it.
3-4 Code example
5-2 It looks like this on the page.
3-1 On Dashboard, there's a new form to create a book.
3-2 Outline Tool provides a drag-and-drop control to rearrange chapters and sections.
3-8 Reference Manager allows quick data entry, filter, and sort.
3-9 Citation and Commentary plugin in Book Editor
3-5 Add your co-authors and reviewers on the Team page.
4-1 Book Editor consists of Outline Tool and Content Editor.
4-2 Update permission settings from the Title Bar.
4-3 Create a front matter material by assigning a type of Front matter.
4-4 The toolbar in the Content Editor is organized in groups of similar features.
4-5 Adding an external link
4-6 To link a section within your book, type in name of the section and select it from the results.
4-7 Look up a figure by its title or description.
4-8 There are five types of a figure-- Code Snippet, File, Image, Table, and Video.
4-9 Click _References_ button to use the reference manager.
4-10 References are listed in a table for quick entry, sorting, and filtering.
4-11 A book with single author.
4-12 A book with an author and two editors.
4-13 Part of a book with book title and authors in separate fields.
4-14 Journal article.
4-15 Web resource needs URL, accessed date, and revision date if available.
4-16 Enter commentary without associating it with a reference.
4-17 Enter your commentary and associate it with a reference.
4-18 Publish options window allows you to customize details like the order of authors and title appearance.
4-19 Publication page has a list of previously published books with download links.
4-20 On iTunes, select which books you want to sync on your device.
4-21 This is a table of contents in iBooks on iPad.
4-22 This is the current Publish chapter displayed in iBooks on iPad.
5-1 This is a list of authentication providers from Lacuna Books App homepage.
5-2 Lacuna Books Dashboard-- the first screen you see upon successful login
5-3 You can associate multiple providers with your account.
5-4 Creating a new book on Lacuna Books is just too easy!
5-5 Book Area consists of Book Info (red), Action Menu (blue), and Book Menu (yellow).
5-6 The Editor consists of the Outline, Section Properties panel, and the Content Editor.
5-7 Section Properties panel
5-8 Division, Title, and Subtitle are displayed on the top of the page where the section starts.
5-9 The Outline displays automatic content tags in yellow and user-defined tags in blue.
5-10 Sections can be rendered in one page or separate pages individually.
5-11 The toolbar is organized in groups of similar features.
5-12 Section preview is in the toolbar; book preview is in the Book Action Menu.
5-13 Enter an external URL and set the target.
5-14 To link to a section within your book, type in the name of the section and select one from the results.
5-15 Upload a new asset file.
5-16 These are options for embedding an image.
5-18 View the file's information.
5-18 YouTube's embed code field
5-19 Vimeo's embed code field
5-20 Customize the appearance of your code snippet.
5-21 Your commentary is displayed in footnotes.
5-23 The block formatting ("Containers") and custom classes provide a number of special formatting options.
5-24 Each paragraph (or block) is indicated with a dotted bordered box. A box with no label indicates a regular paragraph.
5-26 Add your editors and reviewers in Team.
3-5 New York's Five Boroughs (
4-4 New York's Five Boroughs
5-1 Roles in Lacuna Books
3-6 My Face is in Space
4-1 Create sections in the Outline Tool